A backup of your Tools in case anything ever happens to your HDD.Direct Booting to an App/Emulator/Homebrew.Including features such as, cross-model support, cross-regional support, enabling homebrew on other PS2s while away from home, making more FMCB memory cards, which serve many different purposes (see 2 examples below). Once this is done and you boot your new IMAGE in your PS2, you will be able to make a FMCB Memory Card, which will open up even more doors for you. if you prefer a SATA HDD over IDE, then you will ALSO need an IDE-to-SATA Converter (which usually means using a laptop 2.5' HDD, or else it wont fit inside with the Converter taking up space).Network Adaptor (attaches to HDD and back of PS2).
With this method you will get all that you need to begin your homebrew fantasies on the PS2. The simplest way to get Homebrew onto your PS2 (if model 5000x and lower, see picture above ) is with a FHDB 'Noobie Package', which is basically just a RAW IMAGE ( think snapshot picture of your Hard Drive at any given moment ) you copy onto the beginning of your Hard Drive.