What can I say, the Bosmers are born Marksmen, they have the Agility, +15 to Marksman, and since they start with only 30 hp, they are super squishy so you'll really want to stay out of reach of your enemies. I'd like to point out that the only Strength skill is Long Blade so going full range will add an extra challenge:you strength (carry capacity, 1/2 HP won't improve. While the class description says that Strength and Agility are the main attributes. For more general role-playing mod recommendations, you can check this guide. So instead, I want to suggest ways to play a class and mods that can make the experience fresh and more unique. In addition we tend to always want to play the same way, with the same style, the same weapons, the same game play.
This series is not about the ultimate build, let's face it, sooner or later your character will be a god-killer whether you min-max or not. For those who watch my let's plays and livestreams, you'll know that we're all about role-playing and not at all about min-maxing.